"But Suzi just crosses her arms, which is the first time she's crossed anything, "


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Mr. Wasserman


Jamie Wasserman reads "Song of the Wolfman" in Real Audio

Jamie Wasserman

Song of the Wolfman

It's not all moonlit walks and wolfsbane
and women at your throat. Mostly,
it's waiting, studying the sky
as if it were your own
reflection. And to some extent, it is.
The moon blackens and with it,
your mood. You scratch your skin
at the thought of another month
of pacing the house, flattening your face
to the window like some grotesque monster;
the hardest part knowing
that whatever gets you
out that door, through those dark woods
is in you anyway but not yours
to control. So you wait, rubbing
your belly sniffing the air; hungry,
you would stop the full moon
flush in its tracks.

W. Virginia Love Song

Billy taps a new dime on the windshield
of his 1978 green Ford Granada, greener
than any blade of grass ever had a right
to be and says to Suzi "I love you baby.
What would it take to get you ridin'
shotgun with me? There's a crescent moon
like a broken china plate and a sky full
of stars hotter than the ember on your dad's
King Edward cigars. I've got a car
that runs on diesel with a radio that hasn't run out
of songs yet. I'll roll out route 70
for you like a well-vacuumed carpet.
All you have to do is find the keys--
they're somewhere in my pocket."

But Suzi just crosses her arms,
which is the first time she's crossed anything,
so Billy tosses the silver keys
to Suzi and if this were a movie,
they'd glide into her hand slowly
as if on a string, they'd arc from Billy's hand
to Suzi's like the moon across the sky
but the movie theater in Flatwoods burned
down years ago so Suzi lets the keys
fall to the ground. Suzi knows Billy
ain't looking for someone to drive,
he just wants her to refill the tank
so she kicks the keys back to him
and says, "Baby if all you've got
is love to run this car, I can tell
you right now, you ain't getting very far."