a long journey

The ancient Sumerians invented the wheel,
and, it must be assumed, the chariot,
since, without it, the wheel is useless.
By extension, then, they invented the car,
ultimately culminating in those examples of
vehicular perfection,
the Volkswagen Beetle (the classic design,
not the new, oddly proportioned remake)
and the Ford Mustang (again, the classic,
not the ugly version from the 80's, which was
just another car that handled badly on ice.
Mind you, the latest models are looking stylish again.)

Arguably, with wheels and chariots,
the Sumerians must have invented traffic,
although the first documented act of road rage
does not occur until Ulysses flung a wheel through a wall,
winning respect and gaining right of way.

This is an emotion I can sympathize with,
as I sit here in a long string of cars,
surrounded by ugly new Beetles
and old Mustangs,
wondering if even a strategically tossed
spare tire could clear the traffic a bit
so I can turn left, stop my wandering and go home.

-- Mike Timonin

Shuffle the Deck

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