"... Not even Regis bellowing from the TV can keep order from unrolling under her fingers ..."

-- Wendy Taylor Carlisle

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Getting older with each day's back and forth
shuttle. There's never a moment¹s peace. The only soft

thing here's my hands‹from the lanolin, I suppose.
Sweet Athena, I need some new jokes,

anything to keep the suitor's mitts at their sides.
Amphinomus brushed an eager palm against my thigh

last week. I nearly jumped out of my dress. I could hit
the mattress with any brazen hunk, each chest so taut,

it makes my heart race just to see their sword games.
I hold out for honor, though, despite my cravings.

And it helps to know they love me for my real estate.
Today, I disremember if Odysseus, my husband, was the best.

Some say I have a magic loom, undoing each day's doing
but no one comes, is there, at night as I unravel, tear deep in.

Making the Bed with Ariadne


Naturally, being a princess, she objects
to cotton sheets--their crisp whiteness suggests
the way into, not out of, the maze of sleep--but once
she begins unraveling the myster--tuck, reverse,
tuck again--she shapes each hospital corner
square as a bull's stall, grasps the labyrinth
of eyelet and ruffles, that perplexing bedcover,
and shakes it out to show its dark center.
Ariadne's a match for any household duty.
Not even Regis bellowing from the TV
can keep order from unrolling under her fingers
as she works on. Slipping through the corridors,
tangled hours spooling out, she threads her way
from room to room, from dim disorder into broad day.


According to Minos, her bullish father,
Ariadne "made her bed", and "tough"
if, when she woke, her dismal sheets chafed.
She was "too clever by half", he roared,
with "her waiting boat, her ball of twine."
And, if fatigue came on like a storm of bees,
shut her eyes with hymenopterous lullabies,
maybe she could dream of "that Athenian".
Friends, amazed she dared to spite her murderous
old man, asked, "why"? She answered them, "it suits
my sense of order like a well-made bed". She longed
for a different home, but Theseus was merciless
as daddy. Once his cast-off mistress snoozed
he couldn't wait an hour to be gone.

I Swan

Everyone makes much of it, but truth to tell
his offering could have had much more appeal.
Trumpeters have limited romantic skills
and lack imagination, not to mention lips
and thumbs. During the act, I admit
I entertained some questions of a theologic
nature. The poets say he overwhelmed
me on that bank--the sudden blow, the storm of wings.

Why do they reckon I gave in? Inquisitive? You bet.
And let me say that even mediocre sex
can't take the edge off having done it with a God.
As for the kids, around the neighborhood
my alibi is this: they came from eggs.
Don't blame me if they didn't turn out good.

___ -- Wendy Taylor Carlisle

Wendy Taylor Carlisle lives in Texas, a legendary landscape from which to consider Greek myth. Her work has appeared in print, most recently in Cider Press Review, and on line. Her book, Reading Berryman to the Dog is forthcoming from Jacaranda Press.

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