An embodied exegesis is:
an act of communication which occurs on a variety of levels simultaneously. In the performance, I used candles, newspaper, chairs, spatial arrangements of bodies, dramatic voice, body posture to layer the audience's contact with the theoretical issues explored.
Here, I am opening up pathways out of a linear reading experience, into a more involved and sense-led encounter with my living voice

An embodied exegesis is:
an expression of the relationship between written text and speech. An embodied exegesis points to the shifting at the heart of the
utterance in relation to the meaning in de Saussure's structuralist system of language. To speak Hegel's words already imbues the words with contemporary content, with personal, situated meaning.
More radically, the difference between a theory paper based on Hegel and a performance piece on the same text points to the position of differance - the gap between the unsayable and the said
, the straight-jacket of a word whose meaning always exceeds those which are intended.