"... the bondage which we enter by using these technologies is much harder to assess, and much more elusive."

-- Adriene Jenik

The Early Years of Desktop Theater, con't

___by Adriene Jenik

Winner quotes Psychologist Bruno Bettelheim's observation that the advantages we enjoy from any new machine are always quite obvious. However, the bondage which we enter by using these technologies is much harder to assess, and much more elusive. In thinking over the introduction of technologies into his work with psychotic children, Bettelheim writes (in 1960):

    Often we were unaware of its negative effects until after long use. By then we had come to rely on it so much, that small disadvantages that came with the use of any one contrivance seemed too trivial to warrant giving it up, or to change the pattern we had fallen into by using it. Nevertheless, when combined with the many other small disadvantages of all the other devices, it added up to a significant and undesirable change in the pattern of our life and work. (8)

He concludes: "The most careful thinking and planning is needed to enjoy the good use of any technical contrivance without paying a price for it in human freedom." (9)


    Here you have a classicly illustrated dramatic conflict.

    Can our protagonist resist SANTAMAN's HARVEST?

    As an infectious enthusiasm for the future permeates the screen,

    And asphalt and concrete block out the whispering of rocks and trees.

    Are you paying attention?

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