Domestic Ambient Noise/Moise


11 Appendix 2. p22

12 In descending order the phrases read: 'organ of hearing publication', 'means concerning audition printing', 'mechanism connected with hearing transcript', 'instrumentality about try-out reproduction', 'machine coupled among congress likeness', 'contrivance united between conference similarity', 'ingenious plan attached amid talk similitude'.

13 Michel Foucault, The Order of Things (Routledge, London, 1974) p38

14 Michel Foucault, 'What Is An Author?' Trans. Donald F. Bouchard + Sherry Simon. Language, Counter-Memory, Practice Ed. Donald F. Bouchard (Cornell University Press, 1977) pp.124-127

15 Judith Butler, Excitable Speech (Routledge, New York & London 1997) p39. Butler links repetition to responsibility, through a renewal of 'the linguistic tokens of a community'.